Serving Industry since 1999

I have had the privilege of directing and providing Community and Workplace Chaplaincy Services for over 30 years. This has taken me, and our EZRA Team, to Bull Arm during the construction of the Hibernia Platform, to Off-Shore Installations, to Bull Arm during the time the Sea Rose was at quay and for the construction of the Hebron Platform. Now I am privileged to offer the chaplaincy provision of spiritual, emotional and social support for the West White Rose CGS Project workforce. EZRA is committed to providing professional chaplaincy in all its aspects including support to workers living with mental health issues.


Enhancing Life
– at Work
– at Home
– at Church
– at Play

EZRA Workplace Chaplaincy

Everyone needs a Rock sometimes in their lives.

  • EZRA Workplace Chaplains, through their holistic outreach services, provide stability, encouragement and support to workers and their families in times of crisis, stress and challenge.
  • EZRA is a non-denominational workplace and community service which reaches out to people to nurture their spiritual and emotional condition. Through deep connection and supporting relationships, EZRA strives to improve overall health and well-being.

EZRA means “helper”.

The Ezra of antiquity was a notable Chaplain in Bible days committed to enhancing worship, emotional stability, and social equity, who took seriously that his name was defined as “God is our Helper.” EZRA Workplace Chaplaincy purposes, God being our Helper, to enhance the spiritual, emotional and social well-being of men and women in the workplace, and their families through:

  • prayer and caring acceptance
  • active listening holistic ministry to people of all faiths
  • complementing employment and family assistance programs
  • supporting occupational health and
  • safety bolstering those facing mental health issue.

Please click the following link to see our brochure: Workplace Chaplaincy